Franklin Graham and Pat Robertson, and other politically conservative religious leaders Do Not Speak for Me when they attack Islam, calling it a dangerous and violent religion. Muslim terrorists represent only a very small faction of Islam; to characterize all muslims by this small segment is counterpart to describing Christians by the actions of bombers of abortion clinics and other Christian terrorists. Graham should practice the Golden Rule and not be criticizing whole groups by generalizations that could be turned around and applied to him and his religious camp.
I think this mind set comes out of a widely-accepted belief that America is, or was at some point, a Christian nation. It's arguable whether or not the US was founded on Christian principles or on ancient Greek ideas, but it cannot be questioned that freedom of religion is guaranteed by the Constitution for all citizens. Conservative Christians seem to forget this. They want to ring their church bells from their steeples-- but then deny the Muslims at the neighborhood mosque from announcing their call to prayer five times a day in the same way. Or they want to protest the right of Muslims to even build their mosques in the first place.
It seems that Christians want freedom of religion-- but only for Christians. Sorry, that's not what the founders of America had in mind. Freedom of religion is for all.
Further, this meanness that conservatives have for anyone who is different from themselves is hateful, harmful and in direct contrast to the love and acceptance that so characterize the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The Lord reserved His harshest criticisms for self-righteous religious leaders like the Pharisees, who were the religious spokesmen of their day. Today's counterparts would be the self-appointed religious spokesmen like Graham and others, whose prejudicial attacks* on other faiths do much harm to Christianity and the Name of Christ.
I've heard it said that in order to suppress the work of Islamic terrorists, the moral majority of peace-loving Muslims should speak up and refute their extremist brothers. Maybe it would help. And I think that the masses of peaceful Christians should likewise speak up and point out that conservative Christian extremists don't speak for them but only poison the population's overall view of Christianity.
If Christians want to "take back America" as their spokesmen keep saying, they will need to implement the principles Christ taught, especially love and acceptance for all. Their harmful hateful strategies must be abandoned as counterproductive and anti-Christ. Where's the love for which Christians are supposed to be known? Let's have more spokesmen who promote that love toward Muslims-- and everybody else who believes differently than we do.
*See: CNN, God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions that Run the World, Stephen Prothero, professor, Boston University.
1 comment:
The beautiful thing about America is freedom of religion... a thing instituted as law by people who were
Christian and/or Christian influenced by the law of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ, people who understood freedom of speech and the theology of free will. As a school teacher, you should know that, it really is not arguable with the facts and documents of our past.
When it comes to peace, the King of Peace is Jesus, and a Christian spokesman, (maybe that would be you?).... should tell Moslems about Jesus too.
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