Saturday, July 2, 2011

Getting Perspective from Donald Miller

  I just finished reading a book that has renewed my objectivity about life and faith; the title is, Searching For God Knows What, and it was written by Donald Miller (2004).  This book has brought much of my experience into new perspective, and the amazing thing is that the author did this through anecdotes of aliens, junior high, the lifeboat story and a whole lot more. 
  In fact, as I read any book, I jot notes in the front or rear flyleaf so I can find outstanding passages later that I want to remember or reference in some way, and in the table of contents for Chapter 7 of this book, I scribbled, "the realities of life and the universe clearly defined in anecdotes."  I feel like I understand the way things are in the world a lot better now, as Miller sees humanity through the eyes of a visiting alien who, after observing us for a while concludes, "The thing that defines human personalities is that they are constantly comparing themselves to one another."
  Chapter 8, Lifeboat Theory- How to Kill Your Neighbor, revisits the old Values Clarification puzzle of deciding who to throw out of a floundering lifeboat to save the others.  This chapter challenges the assumption that some people have more value than others.
  And so it goes from there, a very insightful read, folks, and delightful at that.  I recommend it highly for anyone who feels they need a new look at the big picture-- what life is all about, in an easy-to-read package.  This one's going on my favorites list for sure!

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